Armchair Genealogy
An Incredible Lineage: My 23rd Great-Grandfather,
Hugues dePayens (DuPuy)
This ancestor is famous, along with his father, his sons, his cousins, and many of his descendants. His life was of such historical impact that his name is often used in vain by contemporary writers, whose distortion of his valor, his passion for his beliefs, and his incredible successes is of such odious nature it sours upon the heart of his descendants. For this man lived up to his convictions in such a manner as to bring fame and glory to him and his fellow kinsmen in his lifetime, with so great a tale that nearly a thousand years after his death, his name and exploits are still known.
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The desire to know my ancestral lines led to the discovery of the line documented through the centuries to the man who is, perhaps, the most famous of all my ancestors, save – perhaps – Charlemagne, who has been documented as the patriarch of my Joslin lineage. The DuPuy line is on my paternal side of the tree, with the line of descent (as carefully detailed as is possible with 23 generations whose roots were based in pre-Medieval Europe) included for reference. This is my feeble attempt to tell his story, a story so ancient that it had to be of huge effect to be related so many centuries after his passing.
Hugues de Payens, also written as dePayens, de Pagan, or Hugh DuPuy, was a French knight from the Champagne region of France. He came of strong and valorous stock, the son of Raphael de Podeo (di Podio) DuPuy, a General in the Roman Cavalry and the Grand Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Empire in 1033 under Emperor Conrad. The Emperor found him so worthy he appointed him Governor of the Provinces of Languedoc and Dauphny in southeast France after Conrad was reunited with the German Empire in 1033. Raphael’s exploits were documented in a number of tomes, most notably, perhaps, as recorded by another family historian:
The first notable encyclopedia of the dictionary type appeared in 1674: Le Grand dictionnaire historique, ou melange curieux de l'histoire sacree et profane (The Great Historical Dictionary, or Anthology of Sacred and Secular History). Written by the French priest and scholar Louis Moreri, it is a special dictionary of history, mythology, genealogy and biography. It was revised many times and was translated into English, German, Spanish and Italian. This dictionary is one of the first documents that one consults when one wishes to establish a connection with European nobility.
The Library of Congress owns a version of this remarkable work that was published in Paris in 1759. It is written in French. I have obtained from them a copy of pages 632 - 644 of Volume VIII, Part II. These pages contain the biographies and genealogical information for the Du Puy family of the times, at least those that were deemed notable enough by the author to include them in his work. … I obtained a copy of the aforementioned pages from the Library of Congress. Leroy's genealogy extends to Ralph du Puy, the first du Puy, whom Moreri introduces as follows: "In 1033, the emperor Conrad le Salique (and not Henry II in 1103 as the historian marquis de Sainte-Andre-Montbrun has said) came at the head of an army to take possession of the kingdoms of Arles and Bourgogne, which he had inherited from the donation of Rudolphe, dit le Faireant. Raphael du Puy, in latin de Podio, grand chamberlain of the (holy roman) empire, accompanied him. He was one of a number of governors that the emperor appointed in his new states. Since that time, the descendants of Raphael du Puy have owned and were sovereigns of many of the states in Dauphine, up to the reign of Louis XI, who reunited all the sovereign states to the French crown. The tomb of Raphael du Puy, at Pereins, was opened in 1610, by order of the count de la Roche, governor of Romans in Dauphine. They found his body laid out on a marble table, his spurs on one side and his sword on the other, under his head a helmet of lead and covered by a leather garment with the following inscription: Raphael de Podio, General of the Roman cavalry and Grand Chamberlain of the Roman Empire.
In the du Puy manor at Puy in Dauphine, there is preserved a gold medal belonging to Raphael, on the back of which is inscribed: " Raphael de Podio, grand chamberlain of the Roman Empire under the emperor Augustus, Christ reigns." According to (the historians) Octavian and Strabon, Henry II assumed the title Caesar Augustus. Raphael had a son, Hughes du Puy, who survived him." Ralph's du Puy's descendants include many royal notables and church dignitaries: knights, dukes, barons, princes, Bishops and even a few Cardinals. Ray Dupuis SOURCE:
It is mentioned elsewhere that the tomb of Raphael di Podio DuPuy was deemed of sufficient historical import that it was ordered to be opened and the contents thereof inventoried. The following documents the finding:
The Tomb of Raphael du Puy was opened in 1610 by order of M. Le Compte de la roche, "Gouveneur de Romans en Dauphine". The corpse was found extended upon a marble table, his spurs upon one side, his sword upon the other, and upon his head a helmet of lead containing the following inscription upon a copper place. It is said the "House of DuPuy en Dauphine" possesses a gold medal granted to this Raphael DuPuy upon one side of which is written: "Raphael de Podio, grand Chambellan de l"Empire Romaine Sons l"Empereur, Auguste, Christ regnant en chair"."
Although the name Raphael de Podio appears to have Italian lineage, at least one researcher stressed the man was of French origins, with the surname DuPuy deriving not from a long line of prior DuPuy ancestors, rather from the lands and volcanic mountains of the area of southeastern France which were placed under the governorship and rule of Raphael de Podio DuPuy by Emperor Conrad in 1033. A more detailed explanation for the origin of this family surname was provided by B. H. DuPuy in his published account:
Some of the noblest families of France have been those whose names adorned Huguenot history, and the centuries prior to the Reformation, their names had become famed for distinguished services. One of these old-famed French names is Du Puy. It is mentioned in the history of the country in the eleventh century and was found in the southeastern section. In that locality is Le Puy, 270 miles a little southeast of Paris, and the capital town of the department of Haute-Loire, province of Languedoc. In the 10th century it was called Podium Sanctae Marie, whence Le Puy. It sent the flower of its chivalry to the crusades in 1092. Joining Haute-Loire on the northwest is the department of Puy de Dome, province of Auvergne. Both of these departments are in the highest mountainous region of France and as it was from that section the name Du Puy first appeared, in two words, in history, the topography of the country must have given rise to the name----"Du," meaning, "of the," and "Puy" (old French), meaning, "mountain." Louis Moreri (1643-80), a French historian, says "Du Puy is an old house, prolific of illustrious men. It is almost certain it had its origin in France."
It was in 1033, that the two Burgundies of France, frequently called the kingdom of Arles, after various, vicissitudes, became finally united to the German Empire by Conrad II. Conrad appointed Raphael Du Puy, who appears to have held the offices of Commander of the Roman Cavalry, and Grand Chamberlain of the Roman Republic, as one Governor of the conquered Provinces of Languedoc and Dauphiny, in southeast France. It does not follow from this, that the name is not of French origin, as claimed by Moreri, for Raphael Dupuy might have been, and no doubt was, a real Frenchman.
The name also appears in literature as "Raphael de Podio" He became quite renowned in that whole section of the county. His tomb was opened in 1610. The corpse was found lying upon a marble table, with his spurs on one side, his sword on the other, and with a helmet of lead on his head, bearing on a copper plate the following: "Raphael de Podio, General de la Cavalerie Romaine, et Grand Chambellan de l'Empire Romaine." His descendants became possessors of many fine estates. His son, Hugo (called also Hugh and Hugues), a French Knight of Dauphiny, joined the crusaders in 1096, under Godfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Mohammedans. This man, Hugo Dupuy, had four sons, Alleman, Rodolphe, Romaine, and Raymond. The last three accompanied him in the crusades. Rodolphe, the second, to whom Godfrey gave many lands in Palestine, fell in battle. Romaine, the third son died in possession of the principalities Godfrey had given him.
Raymond, the fourth son, in 1118, succeeded Gerard De Martigues as rector of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, and was the first to assume the title of Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers. This order derived its name from a hospital in the city of Jerusalem, consecrated to St. John the Baptist, and its object was to receive and care for the needy and sick visitants of that city. After the establishment of the kingdom of Jerusalem by Godfrey of Bouillon, the hospital acquired larger revenues that were requisite for the relief of the poor and sick, and Raymond Dupuy about 1120, with his brethren, offered to the king of Jerusalem to make war upon the Mohammedans at his own expense. The king and Roman pontiffs approving the plan, the order then partook of a military character, and its members were divided into three classes---Knights, or soldiers of noble birth, whose business was to fight for religion, priests, who conducted the religious exercises, and serving brethren, who were soldiers of ignoble birth. The order exhibited the greatest feats of valor; twice repulsed the advancing Turks; was supported by landed property in all parts of Europe, and acquired immense wealth, under the auspices of Raymond Dupuy, who died in 1160.
The badge, which all the crusaders wore on their right shoulders, was the sign of the cross, made of white, red, or green woolen cloth, and solemnly consecrated. That badge not only gave rise to the name Crusade, but it also indicated that the enterprise was to rescue the cross of our Lord from the hands of the Mohammedans. The shield which the DuPuys bore in the enterprise, was adorned with a red rampant lion, with blue tongue and claws, upon a field of gold. The shield of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem was adorned with a cross of silver, upon a field of red. When Raymond Dupuy became Grand Master of that order, and it assumed a military character, according to the custom of chivalry, he chose for the adornment of his shield the two quartered, i.e. two lions and two crosses. As yet, no decided traces of Coats of Arms have been discovered among the early crusaders. It was not until the 13th century that they came rapidly into use, not acquiring a fixed character until the 14th, and prevailed until about the close of the 15th century; after which they became merely ornamental and genealogical escutcheons, as emblems of rank and family, and marks of gentle blood. When such insignia did arise, i.e. in the 13th century, the adornment displayed on the shield of the DuPuys of the crusades was then adopted as a Coat of Arms, with the addition of lion supporters and a ducal crown for a crest, and the motto, "agere et pati forte virtute non genere vita." From one or another of the four sons of Hugo Dupuy, the crusader, have descended all the DuPuys of this country, whose ancestors were identified with the reformed religion of France. We know there were no less than five Huguenot DuPuys, who immigrated to this country and probably there were more, among the several thousands of French refugees, who found homes of peace in these parts of America. The progenitor, Bartholomew DuPuy, of whom this volume treats, descended from Alleman, the oldest son of the Crusader, Hugo Dupuy. SOURCE: B.H. Dupuy's book on Bartholomew Dupuy The Huguenot and his Descendants. Pages 87-88-89-90-91-92.
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Thus, we learn Hugues de Payens DuPuy, the son of Raphael, was born into aristocracy, a French knight, whose family ruled an entire quarter of the country of France. The following is from Wikipedia, a compilation of information concerning Hugues de Payens DuPuy:
Hugues de Payens, de Pagan, de Payns, DuPuy: a French knight from the Champagne region, was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. With Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, he created the Latin Rule, the code of behavior for the Order.
Biography There is no contemporary biography in existence and no later writers cite one that is still extant. Information is therefore extremely scanty and any embellishments often rely on people writing decades or even centuries after De Payens' death. He was probably born at Château Payns, about 10 km from Troyes, in Champagne. Hugo de Pedano, Montiniaci dominus is mentioned as a witness to a donation by Count Hugh of Champagne in a record dated to 1085-90, indicating that the man was at least sixteen by this date—a legal adult and thus able to bear witness to legal documents—and so born no later than 1070. His name appears on a number of other charters up to 1113 also relating to Count Hugh, indicating that De Payans was almost certainly part of the Count's court and allowing speculation that he was related to the Count. Within this period he also married, to a woman recorded as Elizabeth de Chappes (or by later chroniclers as Catherine St. Clair), and fathered at least one child—Thibaud, later abbot at La Colombe. Some sources suggest the Count went on the First Crusade in 1096, other sources do not. If he did it is reasonable to believe De Payens accompanied him and therefore it is likely that Hugues served in the army of Godfroi de Bouillon during the Crusade. Count Hugh did make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1104-07 and visited Jerusalem for a second time in 1114-16. It is probable that he was accompanied by Hugues, who remained there after the Count returned to France as there is a charter with "Hugonis de Peans" in the witness list from Jerusalem in 1120 and again in 1123. In 1125 his name appears again as a witness to a donation, this time accompanied by the title "magister militium Templi". Later chroniclers write that De Payens approached King Baldwin II of Jerusalem with eight knights, two of whom were brothers and all of whom were his relatives by either blood or marriage, in order to form the first of the Knights Templar. The other knights were Godfrey de Saint-Omer, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de St. Agnan, Andre de Montbard, Geoffrey Bison, and two men recorded only by the names of Rossal and Gondamer. The ninth knight remains unknown, although some have speculated that it was Count Hugh of Champagne himself—despite the Count returning to France in 1116 and documentary evidence showing that he joined the Knights on his third visit to the Holy Land in 1125. As Grand Master, De Payens led the Order for almost twenty years until his death, helping to establish the Order's foundations as an important and influential international military and financial institution. On his visit to England and Scotland in 1128, he raised men and money for the Order, and also founded their first House in London and another near Edinburgh at Balantrodoch [1], now known as Temple, Midlothian. He died in Palestine in 1136—May 24 is often stated—and was succeeded as Grand Master by Robert de Craon.
In popular culture It has recently been claimed that the wife of Hugues de Payens was Catherine St. Clair within the context of the alternative histories of Rosslyn.[1][2]
A biography of Hugues de Payen by Thierry Leroy[3] identifies his wife and the mother of his children as Elizabeth de Chappes. The book draws its information on the marriage from local church cartularies dealing chiefly with the disposition of the Grand Master's properties, the earliest alluding to Elizabeth as his wife in 1113 and others spanning Payen's lifetime, the period following his death and lastly her own death in 1170. Though overshadowed by several larger and more well-known cathedrals, the Cathedrale de Payens in the 14th arrondissement remains a historical curiosity of interest to many scholars. Construction was begun in 1218 and completed before the end of the century, financed by the Templar Knights -- an order of warrior monks -- as part of a similar network of churches, cathedrals, and forts (or "commanderies" as they were called) throughout Britain, Europe, and the Holy Lands. In the cathedral's library player can find four books about Knights Templar contain mention of Hugues de Payens.
1. ^ e.g. Tim Wallace-Murphy, The Templar Legacy & The Masonic Inheritance within Rosslyn Chapel, p.17 (The Friends of Rosslyn, 1994 ISBN 9521493-1-1).
2. ^ The claim that Hugues de Payens married Catherine St. Clair was made in Les Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau (1967), "Tableau Généalogique de Gisors, Guitry, Mareuil et Saint-Clair par Henri Lobineau" in Pierre Jarnac, Les Mystères de Rennes-le-Château, Mélanges Sulfureux (CERT, 1995).
3. ^ Thierry Leroy, Hugues de Payns, chevalier champenois, fondateur de l'ordre des templiers (Troyes: edition de la Maison Boulanger, 1997). External links • The Crusades and the Knights Templar • Hugues de Payns Museum Payns, France
The story of Hugues de Payens DuPuy would not be complete without detailing the work of his son, Raymond DuPuy. This excerpt is also from Wikipedia – a compendium of information gleaned about Raymond, the Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Knights Hospitalier):
Raymond du Puy de Provence (1083 - 1160), was a French knight and was Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) from 1118-1160. He was the son of Hughes Du Puy (1060-?), Seigneur de Pereins, d'Apifer, et de Rochefort, Governor of Acre and a general of Godfrey of Bouillon. He was also a relative of Adhemar of Le Puy, the papal legate during the First Crusade. As the second Grand Master he developed the Knights Hospitaller into strong military power. He accepted the eight- pointed Amalfi cross as an official symbol of the Order, which later became known as the Maltese Cross after the establishment of the Order on Malta. Raymond divided the Order into clerical, military, and serving brothers and established the first significant Hospitaller infirmary near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. He was present at the capture of Ascalon in 1153. According to Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique by Louis Moreri written in 1759 "Raymond du Puy, second grand master of the order of St. Jean of Jerusalem, (later to be known as the Knights of Malta) he succeeded Gerard in 1118, who instituted the order. He came from the province of Dauphine and was of the illustrious house of du Puy... Raymond was elected by the brothers of the order, following the disposition of the bull of pope Paschal II, given in 1113, and was called master of the hospital of the city of Jerusalem to mark his authority. Gerard had only used the name of governor of the hospital. Because in the large number of brothers who joined his order there were many gentlemen and men of arms, he established a militia for the defence of the religion against the enemies of the holy land, while the others would have the care of the poor and sick of the hospital. To better succeed in his pious designs, he held the first general assembly and divided the order into three ranks: knights, men at arms, and chaplains. He also instituted a new constitution to improve the rules that Gerard established. They were approved in 1123 by pope Calliste II and in 1130 Innocent II gave the order their coat of arms, a silver cross (today known as the Maltese cross) in a field of blue (gueulles). Raymond armed his troops and offered them to Baudoin II, king of Jerusalem, to join him and his army against the infidels. From that time on, there was never a battle that this order did not participate in. In the year 1153, the king of Jerusalem was ready to lift the siege of Ascalon; however, grand master du Puy received permission to extend the siege and camp his army in front of the city. The city surrendered within a few days. Because of this conquest he acquired great glory and received the esteem of the pope, Anastase IV, who granted many privileges to the order. Raymond thereafter built a magnificent palace which caused much jealousy among the prelates of Jerusalem and the holy land. But the order was supported by the supreme pontiff in his exemptions and in the privileges granted to them. The grand master died in 1160 and his successor was Auger of Balben. Raymond du Puy was the first to assume, and the first to whom was given, the title of grand master of the order. He never used it except after Roger, king of Sicily, used the title in the letters he wrote to Raymond" References: Raymond du Puy The Rule of Blessed Raymond du Puy The Blessed Raymond du Puis / Raymond du Puy
Thus the story of this ancestor is definitely one for the ages – nearly one thousand years past and yet vital and timely in modern days.
The works of the Knights Templar have been maligned in contemporary books and by conspiracy theorists on the Internet who make their money by creating false narratives which have no basis in reality. It angers your author to pick up a book or find young minds being poisoned by these opportunists who make money by “click bait” – outrageous headlines and even more outrageous lies told and re-told. The very lies told centuries ago to strip the Knights Templar of their respect, admiration, funding, and subject them to a diminished reputation by those who were jealous of the intense admiration shown by the King are being rehashed today by those who actually know the lies have been proven false. Yet, for their own greed these parasites continue to feed on those age-old stories.
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- Raphael DuPuy (de Podio, di Podio), Grand Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Empire (1011-1062), 24th great-grandfather, father of:
- Hugues DuPuy I, (1055-1136), 23rd great-grandfather, Crusader
in 1096 and one of the Generals of Godefroi de Bouillon, and the founder
and First Grand Master of the Knights Templar, father of:
- Alleman DuPuy, I, (1077-1150), 22nd great-grandfather, father of:
- Hugues DuPuy, II Chevalier-Seigneur de Pereins, Rochefort,
Apifer, de Montbrun (1100-1180), [Hugues Du Puy II, Knight, Lord of
Pereine, Rochefort, Apifer and Montbrun. He took the cross and went to
the Crusades in 1140 with Ame III, Count of Savoye and acquitted himself
with much glory. He went again in 1147 in the army of the Emperor
Conrad III. He married Floride Moiran, daughter of Berloin de Moiran.],
21st great-grandfather, father of:
- Alleman DuPuy, II (1160-1229), 20th great-grandfather, father of:
- Alleman DuPuy, III, (1220-1304), 19th great-grandfather, father of:
- Alleman DuPuy, IV, (1270-1329), 18th great-grandfather, father of:
- Alleman DuPuy, V, (1342-1362), 17th great-grandfather, father of:
- Gilles DuPuy, I, Knight – Lord of Rochefort, (1340-1390), 16th great-grandfather, father of:
- Gilles DuPuy, II, Montbrun Lord of Pereins, (1360-1420), 15th great-grandfather, father of:
- Florimont Ainier DuPuy, Montbrun Baron (General) Chevalier (Lord Knight), (1409-1466), 14th great-grandfather, father of:
- Jacques DuPuy, I, Chevalier (Knight) de Rochefort, et al (1456-1505), 13th great-grandfather, father of:
- Jean (Artaud), Lord of Hauteville and Founder of Protestant Family DuPuy (1488-1583), 12th great-grandfather, father of:
- Pierre DuPuy de Cabrielles (1551-1583), 11th great-grandfather, father of:
- Bartholomy II DuPuy, Lord of Cabrielles (1581-abt. 1650), 10th great-grandfather, father of:
- Jean III Dupuy (1622 – baptized 21 May 1626 – d abt. 1717), 9th great-grandfather, father of:
- Bartholomew (or Bartholemey) DuPuy (1652-1743), 8th
great-grandfather, [subject of prior column, entitled: Romance is in our
Heritage…published February 2016][“descended, in the seventeenth
generation from Conrad II, who was crowned in 1027, in Rome, by the Pope
as Emperor of Germany…” Hearst’s Sunday American, 19 Apr 1931, a reply
to inquiry concerning the Chastain Royal Line by Dr. James L. Kent] ,
father of:
- Pierre “Peter” DuPuy, Sr. (1694-1773), 7th great-grandfather, father of:
- Pierre “Peter” DuPuy, Jr. (1729-1812), 6th great-grandfather, father of:
- Mary A Malone (DuPuy) (1756-1851), 5th great-grandmother, mother of:
- Prudence Ellington (1788-1860) 4th great-grandmother, mother of:
Peyton Wade (1808-1887), 3rd great-grandfather, son of Prudence Ellington, father of:
- Martha Ann Wade (Creek) (1847-1885), 2nd great-grandmother, daughter of Peyton Wade, mother of:
- Flutie (Fluty) Creek (Alexander, Kendrick) (1877-1951), great-grandmother, mother of:
- Nora Viola Alexander (Carroll, Fisher, King) (1896-1964), grandmother, mother of:
- John Edward “Jack” Carroll (1913-1996), father of your author.
As the daughter of the 22nd grandson of Hugues dePayens DuPuy, John Edward “Jack” Carroll who spent a great deal of his life serving those less fortunate through his service in a number of benevolent organizations in addition to his hard work supporting his family operating a business, it is frustrating at the very least to have his works of kindness and devotion to the betterment of those less fortunate be turned into a lie-fest of libelous claims. My father never knew of his lineage. This research was carried on in his memory out of love and devotion to his larger-than-life goodness in an attempt to fill out the history of his family that was denied him in life.
Never knowing his incredible family history, Jack Carroll carried on the “crusade” of his forebears with a passion and a love that drove him to use his weekends and evenings making sure those in the town who needed surgery they could not afford, a meal, a payment of rent, a new pair of shoes, or merely an uplifting visit to check on their families had that need fulfilled.
This column is a tribute not only to the ancient great-grandfathers but to my father who showed every bit as much courage and kindness and valor.
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