Monday, October 1, 2018

Editor's Corner


October 2018

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” – Stanley Horowitz

Welcome to October, a month filled with family birthdays and a few memorials. What an excellent plan our seasons follow! Well, perhaps not as closely in Texas and parts of a few other states, but as a whole Autumn ushers in falling leaves along with the falling football players across the land.

The days becoming shorter, not only invoke song lyrics but a quickening of the step and perhaps one's heart as well. It is a glorious time of year and you can begin enjoying it by reading through the columns and poetry our authors have come up with this issue.

Bruce Clifford's poems are "I Don't Know Who I Am Anymore" and "Pilanesberg" for this issue. Bud Lemire has two poems, "Hazelnut" and "Golden Rod," with a lovely photo to illustrate the latter

John I. Blair sent five new poems for October. Here are the titles: "Table," "Equinox 2018," "Laugh Track," "A Better Story," and an addition to his Lunar poems, "I Looked on The Moon."

Our newest author Kimberly Marquette submitted a poem and a couple of song lyrics: "Kittens," "Old Rocking Chair," and "The Valley of Sorrow."
Remember that comments for our authors can be offered at the blog version of Pencil Stubs Online found at Be gracious with your encouragement as everyone appreciates feedback.

Marilyn Carnell discloses her early experiences in various jobs in her column "Sifoddling Along." Who can say but what her youthful employment didn't help form the person she is today.

Melinda Cohenour's "Armchair Genealogy" continues the historical record of the various Benedict Arnolds, focusing this month on that one known world wide at the Traitor, Benedict Arnold V.

Thomas F. O'Neill in his "Introspective," stresses how helpful using music in the classroom can be, illustrating with a personal You Tube link.

"Cooking with Rod" by Rod Cohenour has the right approach to the Fall weather, summoning a special recipe from his wife's repertoire: a Cheesy Ham Chowder. Judith Kroll aka Featherwind uses her essay titled "Precious Life" which mirrors our Judith's thoughts for her "On Trek" column.

Mattie Lennon's "Irish Eyes" named his column from 'Leghowney to NJ' and follows through with history and current plans for the Leghowney Hall plus several other items of literary interest.

LC Van Savage "Consider This." bemoans losing her dreamed of chance for a super-fan occasion, calling this "Burt and I."

Again we thank our webmaster Mike Craner without whose patience and expertise this ezine would not have been in its 21rst year. And speaking of years passing, he just celebrated his Birthday.

See you in November!!!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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