Friday, November 1, 2019

On Trek



The Table Talks

The table talks.

Hear the chairs scraping against the floor,
people turning to see who's knocking at the door.

The smiling faces greet the family of four..
Red cheeks and laughter carrying gifts to adore.

It is Christmas time and the table responds,
holding the ham and potatoes,and salads galore.

A prayer is said before the meal,
all holding hands, all can feel..

the joy the love the belonging mood,
makes this family cherish even more, the delicious food.

Each day the table takes a poll,
remember all, even those of old.

A tradition is made on the table top..
a memory shared, with the table that talks.

©8-4-'19 Judith Kroll

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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