Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Angel Whispers

In thinking about what I wanted to write about this month, I decided it had to be some sort of Christmas message that the angels wanted me to give to all of you. Then I thought of writing/channeling a poem or writing about the commercialization of Christmas. Then I thought about how Jesus would tell us how he thought about how we celebrated his special day. Did he have some suggestions as to how make changes or to make it better?
After some thinking about this column for this month I decided I would write a letter to Jesus wishing him a Happy Birthday and thanking him for his love to all on this earth plane.
Dear Jesus, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday on the 25th of this month. You have done so much for us and helped us in many ways, throughout the ages. Thank you for your love and support.
As I am writing this I am seeing a stream of water with a bridge over it. There is a clearing on the opposite shore and I am sitting down with you. We are having a conversation about the state of the world. I feel that you are a bit sad as we discuss this and I see that you are a bit frustrated with all that is happening, in the world today.
You are speaking of peace and love. You are speaking of the clarity that all men need to embrace so that peace can be brought into the world on a permanent basis. You are talking of acceptance of all mankind and how love is the key to peace. We are all one and there is but one God and he has different names. “My father asks that you truly see this for the sake of peace on this earth.”
We go over to the water and we see a waterfall close by. We go behind the waterfall and we sit on a rock and let the water spray all around us. As this is happening, bright light appears all around us and the angels surround us. Archangel Raphael is upon us watching the healing take place. His words to me are, “Be at peace my child, for you are a child of God.”
We walk back to the bench near the stream. As we sit there we are feeling very peaceful and loved. Jesus takes my hand and gives me a message. (What is your message?) He then says I have to go, but I leave you in peace and with much love.
Archangel Michael is walking beside me as I travel down the path. As he walks with me he sheds some feathers which cover the path. Then I notice an army of angels behind us who are also covering the path with feathers. Songs of praise and songs of peace and love are being chanted by the angels.
Thank you dear Jesus for listening to me and for helping me to understand what you would like for the world at this time. I wish you a Happy Birthday and know you are loved. Thank you for this vision as I have been writing to you.
Thank you for all that you do and all that you are,
Happy Holidays everyone. Love and Light

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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