Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Reflections of The Day


By Dayvid Clarkson


Inner Guidance

I generally have good days, I have great days, and sometimes I have wondrous days. I find my days improve when I listen and pay attention to that guidance from within. I have been practicing listening and heeding for many years now and can attest it takes practice and courage to follow that lead. It has led me, so often, to moments of synchronicity and serendipity.

I had been thinking of a Friend for the past couple of days. Shared a moment on Facebook this morning each saying we should get together. My Friend is also onto the secret of following that inner guidance. I then continued with my day. I decided to have a late lunch at Tim Horton’s. Now I don’t normally go there but I had a gift card from Christmas so decided to go. As I was about to leave I felt I should wait a bit. I paid attention and did not leave for another 30 minutes.

On arrival at Timmy’s who should be there but my Friend from earlier in the day. My Friend was sitting at a table talking to a young lady. Not wanting to disturb I briefly said hello and sat on the other side of the restaurant.

After a while my Friend, having spent the time with this young lady, came over and visited. As it is revealed my Friend had decided to go to Timmy’s and on his arrival a young lady approached and asked if she could have a cigarette. Of course, my Friend obliged. She was homeless and had come from out of town by bus. As she arrived in the south end of Nanaimo she felt compelled to get off the bus. This is not a usual stop. She went to Timmy’s. My Friend spent time with her bought her coffee and gave her a few bucks. I am sure he also shared some of his heart, his wisdom, and helped her along her life path. I am confident that she grew in spirit meeting with my Friend.

I will not even try to understand the interconnectedness that brought all three souls to Timmy’s. However, I do know we are all interconnected. I do know that the three of us listened to that inner guidance. Please listen to yours. Who knows you might connect with someone at Timmy’s Moral of the story? Pay attention, be amazed, and tell about it.

Sleep well, dream deep my Friends.

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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