Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Mail Bag

By Mail Bag

Good News about One of Our Authors,

Anne Mitts

"A dream came true today" says Anne:

I am so very grateful for this day. My morning started out with the sight of two pairs of Evening Grosbeaks, another first for me. They are so beautiful.

Shortly after I received a phone call from work and was told I have a new client so I will be getting my time back at work. I was scheduled to work at the senior group today and was able to meet my new client. We have so much in common and I am looking forward to working with her.

My daughter Bianca came to spend some time with me today which is always something I look forward to. We went for a nice walk with Matt and his girlfriend and when we got home the UPS truck pulled up. Matt went to get the package. I had oredered a book from Amazon and thought that this was it. I was so surprised to open this package and find that is contained my first copy of my children's book "The Candle". I knew it would be here soon but to actually see it brought tears to my eyes. This is such an accomplishment for me and so very important to my life. I have been writing for years and only shared my stories with my children and students and poems with a few close family members and friends. It wasn't easy for me to put myself out there but I knew if I didn't do it now I never would so I bit the bullet and now I have an actual book in my hands.

I am so grateful for my family and friends who encouraged me and stood by me through this. Publishing a book is time consuming and stressful but I made it through with the love of the people around me. Thank you!

Now it is time for me to do the foot work to get my book out to the public. Wish me luck.

If you would like to purchase a copy of my children's book "The Candle" follow this link "The Candle", the book.

Thank you all for being there for me with your prayers and kind words. Love and many Blessings Anne

Editor's Note: We are quite happy for Anne, and feel honored to have published the first version of "The Candle" in our October 2009 issue of Pencil Stubs Online. You can view it here."The Candle" in our ezine .

* * * * *

We stumbled upon this interesting invention while doing a search for Pencil Stubs Online... This is the development, i.e. brainchild of someone interested in bringing eco friendly methods into the writing and computer usage so many of us do on a near daily basis.

The following link will take you to the original article on it; the second is a much expanded and illustration enhanced explanation of the process and equipment. eco-friendly-printing-with-pencil-stubs

And here's the follow up report at eco-friendly-printing-Part 2.

We hope you find this info as interesting as we did.

--Your Editor at Pencil Stubs Online, an internationally recognized eZine and Blog in its 13th year of existence under the auspices of AMEA Publications & Services, which in no way is connected to nor endorses the aforementioned printer, so mentioned to call your attention to the technology.

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