Thursday, December 1, 2016

Editor's Corner

December 2016

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."--Einstein.
It will soon be Christmas again, and although there are other celebrations this month, that is the one your editor grew up anticipating. All the networks it seems are showing holiday stories, movies recognizing both Thanksgiving and Christmas, but mostly the latter.Maybe it is because the season seems to fly by and focusing on it prolongs the excitement and joy. Prayers for Peace and well being are voiced throughout the land, indeed, the world. May all your days be bright and merry no matter what celebration you choose, have fun, be kind, be safe.

To emphasize the reason for Christmas, here is the link to my poem "Tiny Miracle" which has been published and reprinted in Pencilstubs a few times. Tiny Miracle
John Blair's poems for this issue speak of many subjects, family, hobbies, history, Love, and "Books," the latter is even the title of one of them. Other titles are: "Soil," "Love Spoken Here," "Watering Flowers aat Midnight," "You Who Went Before," and "Cousins." Bud Lemire shares "The Picture That Wasn't There" and the poignant "Last Dance at Christmas" while Bruce Clifford declares it is "One Last Time," and adds "Wicked."

Judith Kroll's column shows her deep feelings about human shortcomings and her hope for a better way with"I shed a tear..." in her column "On Trek." LC's column is more light-hearted, discussing little known facts about the ubiquitous hot dog. Her article, "Bringing Stella Home," is a perfect gift idea.Barbara Irvin submitted the other article "ESSAY:I Can Always Count on Three Things." "A Friendship That Began in December," a story, is also by Barbara.

Thomas F. O'Neill, "Introspective," admits how surprised he was because his predictions were not how things turned out. "Reflections of the Day" by Dayvid Clarkson, includes a couple of days in November, and his way of ending each day with hope and peace. Mattie Lennon of Dublin Ireland, (Irish Eyes) advises his fans of the Christmas Reading with Billy Keane and also of the innovative publication by Ballpoint Press "Then There Was Light" detailing the rural electrification  process.

Rod Cohenour's "Cooking with Rod," blesses us with "Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas" for twelve servings, and tells how to pretty it up as a casserole if you are fortunate enough to have leftovers. Melinda Cohenour's "Armchair Genealogy" begins the saga of trying to chase down with research, a named relative with enough documentation to tantalize and prove his existence, but not the linking records farther back. Part Two promises to report her progress.

Thanks again to Mike Craner for his expertise and patience that allows this little ezine to continue its mission of encouraging writers, experienced and beginners, and to promote reading.

Watch for us in January which ends our current year's Volume 19.!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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