Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Angel Whispers

Boston Town, My kind of Town

Living in your heart place helps you to see and feel things in a different light. It is a way to help to feel life in a more positive way and to stay in that place more easily. The angels always ask me to imagine the color of my heart place. Today my colors in my heart place are purple and white. There are different shades of purples, lavenders and the white whirled in with the purple. So I guess maybe spiritually I am in a good place at this time.

The past few weeks have been a bit difficult for the people of Boston and the surrounding area. It was a very scary and upsetting time for so many here. My husband works in Boston, fortunately not in the part of where the Boston Marathon was held. He was one of the lucky ones and safe from harm. He got home safe that night too.

In previous years I would be at the Marathon walking down Boylston Street without a worry as I passed the finish line. It was a time for families to be together and in greeting their loved ones. Or there would be people just standing and watching with friends and family, cheering on the participants. The care free feeling of being in Boston on that has gone; there will always be a bit of fear for the others, who will be watching the race.

But we are Boston Strong and the Marathon will go on, that I have no doubt about. I wrote a poem about the event and thought I would share it with all of you.

Boston Strong

Angels are with us, helping us to heal.
Letting us know of how they feel
To help us to go on, no matter the deal.
They sing to us from on high,
They help us to understand the truth and what could be a lie.
They ask us to trust their healing each day,
How we need to be helping others in so many special ways.
You could say a prayer and or sing a song of healing,
You could smile at a stranger or talk to others of how they may be feeling.
We come together to pray for peace
And hope for the calm to always increase.
Life is full of lessons and of hope
Yet we know our angels are helping us to cope
We ask our leaders to work together always so the truth is always found.
Life has changed for the people of Boston, because of some past events on the ground.
Know that we are from Boston, full of strength and that we are very sound
Dear angels, we ask that our town stay always safe from harm,
Thank you for your love and the strength of your strong arm.
©April 2013 Peg Jones

Click on Peg Jones for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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