By Bud Lemire
Even when I was younger, I loved to have fun
I may get out of breath, my master makes me take a break
I love people, and seeing them, even if it's the last breath I take
Down to the park, or around the municipal dock
My master brings me out, for a most wonderful walk
Around the Water Plant, I see someone there
I run to a kindred spirit, a moment we share
Some are afraid of me, but I'm just an old dog
I'm more harmless, than a green leaping frog
My days are numbered, I don't live as long as you
My master gives me the best time, she knows what to do
She doesn't make me roll over anymore
She knows my bones are old and sore
She doesn't make me fetch the ball
Yet she knows I would give my all
I try not to bark, so I don't scare people away
I love laying in the sun, on a warm day
I may be an old dog, but I am also your best friend
My soul will be a bright light, when I ascend
©May 10, 2022 Bud Lemire
Author Note:
Hey people! I love you. My tongue hangs out, but
I give you my all. I get old just like you. Thanks
for understanding that I am mortal just like you
I don't live forever. Thank you for making my days
better. I appreciate all you do for me. Fresh water,
Oh yeah! Love it. Thanks for being my friend.
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