Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Editor's Corner


By Mary E. Adair

May-June 2024

"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."
-- Maya Angelou."

Life comes at us, meaning everyone, from all directions, and sometimes we, meaning some of us, may just wish we could duck and let it go by us. But, hey, isn't this what we were wishing for when we were children, i.e. teens? Didn't we long for the day that we could be our own boss, make our own decisions, face our own problems? Well, guess what? That time is now.

No, not saying it isn't worth it? Not wanting any drastic changes. Maybe, hmmm, fewer windy days? But, see (?) that isn't a decision we are allowed to make. We get to choose our items for the grocery list, or what to cook when. We can wear what we wish to as long as it is basically available, and clean--we want clean.

However intensely we desire it, we cannot control whose composition will arrive in time to be included in the nest issue. We always plan for an abundance of clever and vivacious writings and are often pleased to receive such essays, articles, columns, or poetry. Bless our authors. I'm mostly happy with what we receive. And sometimes we are treated to a new voice in our presence.

Just such a new author is included in this double issue. (Double because we will be on vacation in June, back in July.) Our new author is from Ireland, Anne Mulcahy, whose two poems are "The Jumble-sale Woman" and "The Devil's Game." Welcome, Anne Mulcahy!

Walt Perryman's three poems are "A Few Thoughts to Dwell On," "A Check-off List for Today," and "Good Morning Cyber Space Friends."  John I. Blair's three poems are encore presentations: "My Old Cat," Snake," and "Honeysuckle Nights."

 Bruce Clifford's three poems are "Point of View," "Above All Else," and "We Never Went Out for That Pizza." Bud Lemire's three poems are "Don't Hold A Grudge," "Lost Family Found," and "Don't Be So Paranoid."

Thomas F. O'Neill in "Introspective" admits to dearly missing his many years in China but is ready to set new goals. Marilyn Carnell's column "Sifoddling Along" found some lovely pics of our early settler's children's toys, and tells of her own favorite ones when she was a youngster. Judith Kroll's column "On Trek" features a new poem by Judith, "The Ocean." Pauline Evanosky's column "Woo Woo," tells us that pretending is a valued skill set, and why that's true. Ara Parisien plans to be back n July with her column "Author-Medium-Spiritual Teacher."

This month's "Cooking with Rod" column features three recipes by Melinda Cohenour, who is frequently a "guest" contributor. "Armchair Genealogy" by columnist Melinda Cohenour shares her history findings concerning her husband's lineage. This is the first column and the second on the Cohenours will be in the July issue. Mattie Lennon fills his column with a new book, the first of two promised, "Tomorrow with Bayonets" and shows the monument at Gortaglanna. He adds a link to an interview with Dan Keane and hopes it works for his readers.

Pencil Stubs Online co-founded by Mike Craner and your editor, is still going strong because of his original expertise. Again, I am expressing my gratitude to my talented friend and original webmaster Mike Craner. We place our confidence in him as we have in the past and shall continue doing so.

See you in July!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
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