Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Jumble-Sale Woman

 By Anne Mulcahy

Kitty, the Jumble-Sale Woman
- smells
of onions, Woodbines,
lemon hand-cream
She hides
behind the mountain of
Woolly-jumpers, coloured jackets, jeans
Cackles - I will - I will!
From the hacklers
“Will you take £3 for them?”
a bright yellow moon
swings from a girding
the mag-diles snap and scavage
Arms laden
I stand scarecrow-ish
The church- hall is cold
but I cook
pinned between
two apron towers
wrapped in wafts
of stale armpits
old knickers and sweet perfume
Finally - we leave
Laden with rags of gold

©Mar 31, 2024 Anne Mulcahy

Click on the author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
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