Sunday, September 1, 2013

Don't Deal All Them Lines

Don't deal all them lines
You're tryin' to sell me
I don't believe a word you tell me
I just know,
I see in your eyes
WE both know,
It's a whole pack of lies

You know it too,
You're making excuses
The stories you tell
Get plenty of uses
You back them all up,
With made up stuff
Tho just like you,
One's never enough

You think you say it
Like it was true
Though lies that you speak
Return to you
When no one believes,
And you shuffle that pack
Each one's a hook
That holds your life back.

Tell the truth
And set yourself free
Those dark nights of shame
Were sent, to Be...
A message to you,
Some kind of sign
To take a step back,
And then walk the line.

Don't deal all them lines
You're tryin' to sell
It's a whole pack of lies
You know that, as well
Just give it all up
Don't be so intense
Don't deal them no more
It doesn't make sense.

©2012 Phillip Hennessy

Click on Phillip Hennessy for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.

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