Saturday, April 2, 2016

Editor's Corner

April 2016

April begins with the dubiously distinctive title of April Fool's Day. In this issue Phillip Hennessy has one poem called "Made a Fool of Myself for You" and our Dublin columnist Mattie Lennon includes a joke tale in honor of the Day. Bud Lemire did one poem called "April Fools Day" and another titled "Watching Me."

Phil Hennessy also has a few other poems for us: "I Didn't Ask," "Just Once," and "Solutions."  Also, Another of Phil's poems has become a song....!!

Performed by artist Lilia Ricci - "One Day" Music by Lilia Ricci Lyrics-Phil Hennessy with    John I. Blair adds a poem written after observing a grand daughter's rehearsal, "Skater." Bruce Clifford submitted two poems for this issue: "All It Takes" and "How Do You Do It."  Riva Joi Smith (Joy) sent the positive free verse "Recap." Kay Roy Jones shares the one she says kept ringing in her head, "Just Because."

Modern technology is one of the things that helps our "Armchair Genealogy" author, Melinda (Carroll) Cohenour, research and prepare her column, but when the computer goes down, it closes a lot of doors. The door affecting us is having to do without that column this issue. The same door also stops Rod Cohenour from having his column "Cooking With Rod" available for publication. Looking forward to hearing from both in May.

Clara Blair's novel "Emeralds for Emma" is also expected to continue in May with John Blair's efforts. He is under the weather this past month, and plans to get back to it soon.

Thomas F. O'Neill is facing new restrictions due to his location in China and a stubborn supplier; he explains in "Introspective."

LC Van Savage's column "Consider This" regrets the loss of her parent with a "Letter to Papa."  Judith Kroll fills her "On Trek" with a self-realization poem this issue.

Making his first appearance, author Bruce Holsted's article "Sacred Space" was an eye opener for your editor and may contradict a supposition of your own. Well written and compassionate, it is well worth reading. We hope to hear more from him in future issues.

"Adventures of Ollie-Dare" Chapter 12 by Rebecca Morris, has the bear taking a trip! One never knows what that bear will do next.

Thanks again to Mike Craner for his expertise and patience that allows this little ezine to continue its mission of encouraging writers, experienced and beginners, and to promote reading.

Watch for us in May!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at and also in the blog with the capability of adding comments at the latter.

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