Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Editor's Corner

November 2016

"Why not go out on a limb?
Isn’t that where the fruit is?"--
Frank Scully
Or perhaps we could each strive to be bigger in our life, our thought, our generosity, our forgiveness. What if we each put forth the effort the single wild Sunflower, in the pic at the bottom of the page, expended making its way to the rooftop amidst an overgrowth of thickly leaved and stemmed and blossomed Princess Vine. We could shine out as an example.

The month for Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving, brings to mind the sacrifices made to bring both into being named as observances. We honor our Veterans and celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends in a large part due to what the veterans have preserved of our way of life. Be certain that you read "Last Ride" which is about the only reference we have this issue to veterans.

For some interesting and detailed info into the subject, we have chosen to reprint the article "ASTROLOGY: Defined, Historical Background, Principles, and Anything Else You Wanted to Know but Didn't Ask" as it was simply defined by Leo C. Helmer in an issue several years ago.

John Blair, usually upbeat, adds "Headache" to his other poems for November. They are: "The Moon Wanes," "Another Night without A Moon," "Aledo's Faith," "Mars by Starlight," and "Two Poems."
"Last Ride" by Terry Finley, a veteran's tribute to veterans previously published in January 2003, is reprinted this issue in recognition of Veteran's Day. Bud Lemire's three are "Dark Clouds," "Halloween," and "Hear, I Can Not."

"Moments of Regret" and "Monuments and Extremes" are by Bruce Clifford. New to our ezine, Barbara Irvin, lets us join her for "A Theatrical Thrill." Welcome, Barbara. Judith Kroll's "Mama, How Will I Know" is our final poem for November.

Thomas F. O'Neill, "Introspective," called on his students recently for their opinions of America's election year which made for interesting viewpoints."Reflections of the Day" by Dayvid Clarkson, is good reading thaat could be beneficial for everyone.  He closes his column with an example of one of his nightly "good nights" to friends and family on Facebook.

From Dublin, Mattie Lennon pens two tributes in his column "Irish Eyes" for Brandon Kennelly and Billy Keane. Both are famous for their literary achievements. He adds an updated link to the interesting data on Ireland's Famine Pots.
Rod Cohenour's "Cooking With Rod," brings some cold weather cooking that can be modified with a neat twist to the recipe, and Melinda Cohenour's "Armchair Genealogy" touches close to home, dedicating the column to our shared ancestor, famous in her own way, Malinda Ellen Hopper Bullard, as her voice lives on in national archives.

Here is a link to your editor's own poem about the Ozarks. Ozark Born and Bred .

A tale for children, "The Red Purse in the Trunk in the Old House" by LC Van Savage will delight them. However, her other tale this issue, "The Gift of The Intercom" is strictly for adults.

Thanks again to Mike Craner for his expertise and patience that allows this little ezine to continue its mission of encouraging writers, experienced and beginners, and to promote reading.

Watch for us in December!

Click on author's byline for bio and list of other works published by Pencil Stubs Online.
This issue appears in the ezine at www.pencilstubs.com and also in the blog www.pencilstubs.net with the capability of adding comments at the latter.


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