Tools and Psychic Readings
There are lots of objects associated with psychic readings. In the beginning, whatever tool you are planning to use, before you can give a psychic reading for anybody else you must practice on yourself. I suppose that’s why so many tattoo artists carry so many tattoos on their bodies. Or, as my grandmother always said, “Never trust a cook who is not fat.”
The idea of a psychic reading is to impart some sort of
information to the person wanting a reading that they might not have
realized before or perhaps chosen to ignore. Who hasn’t done that?
Everybody, myself included.
For instance, “I see trouble in your future. Be careful
around big trucks.” I know that’s sort of blatant and I wouldn’t
personally choose to phrase information received that way to a client. I
don’t like to scare people. Besides, the information you get can be
interpreted and presented in all sorts of ways. That information can
also change as that particular future approaches for the person. That
Mac truck might change to a stumble on a street curb depending on what
is going on for the person. Why would it change? Because we all have
choices we can make. The future is out there but there are 1,236 ways
you can get there.
You might also look at it this way. If you are able to
somehow intervene and avert a person’s death if that’s what is supposed
to happen it will happen next week, or next month, or not at all.
So, I suppose my first rule in a psychic reading is to be gentle.
This article is not so much about how you present information
that comes to you in a psychic fashion, but to see all the different
things you likely already have on hand to conduct a psychic reading.
In my opinion, you don’t need a crutch. You just don’t need
it. You, like everyone else on the planet, have the ability to tap into
your own psychic awareness. However, I will caution you that you will be
letting go of many of your own belief systems. Up isn’t up anymore. But
a crutch can be a tool to use to allow you to have access to psychic
It’s like drawing. Are you going to use a pencil or a brush?
The drawing is in your mind and your heart. The brush or pencil merely
puts your interpretation of what you are seeing on paper. You could also
express yourself with writing, with music, with sculpture. That same
vision you saw in your head is represented to others in a medium you
feel comfortable using. Perfect chocolate cake? Yes.
As you open to your own psychic awareness you will be kinder
than you were before. You will be more compassionate and understanding.
You will also become a hard ass. At times, you will seem to be uncaring
and yet caring all at the same moment. Your relationship with God and
with Spirit is likely to take a hard right turn and become more
steadfast than it ever was.
When you really get serious about becoming more psychic you
will understand the purest, the most intact and correct psychic
information comes when you are well-centered. This includes therapy.
Yes, you need it. Everybody does. You need work. Everybody does.
The reason is because everybody on the face of the earth
interprets the information they receive through their own emotional
well-being or their own emotional unease. As an example, if you’ve
always had a fear of being poisoned, your focus during a reading might
be very cautionary toward the things a person might ingest.
I have a perfect example with myself. I am overweight and
have had several eating disorders through the years. Even though I have
never taken the plunge to address these issues about myself with a
psychiatrist, they are there, still. I might be able to be clear about
most things in my life, but that particular one? No. So, I know I should
not give dieting advice. In any case, you get my point. Know your
limitations and try as you might you are never going to be “perfect”,
unless, of course, you want to clean up your act, so to speak, and make
an appointment for some therapy. You likely will never heal completely,
but having a better understanding will help you out.
You are human, and you will always be human in this lifetime and that’s what we have to look forward to.
Stuff happens when you start believing in yourself. My number
one rule is to promise God, Spirit, or your own heart that you will
always try to take care of yourself first. If something is bothering
you, then you will look into it and will not ignore it. My advice to
start with is to keep a journal and write in it every day. Whether it is
a notebook or a computer document, just record your thoughts every day.
We tend to believe the proof before our eyes.
You might think of crutches or props like training wheels.
You’re moving toward a place where you are no longer afraid to open
yourself up to the vibrational planes of psychicness. It can smack you
in the face leaving you breathless and I will admit at times frightened.
Number two rule is to not be scared.
What happens with psychic information is when you are not
accustomed to receiving it is you can become frightened. Like if you
were to psychically see a train wreck. Were you so frightened that you
wrenched yourself away from the sight to say you’re never going to do
that again? Or will you settle down, calm yourself, get back into a
meditative state, and say, “Please give me more information about this.”
Notice I said please? Yes, you, like your spirit guides will be, should
be polite. You can say, “Has this already happened?” Now, this is where
you speak with your guide. Your guide might say, “Yes, it has already
happened.” And so, warning anybody of this impending disaster need not
be on your mind. You are now in training, and this is how it happens.
You provide the direction. Spirit will take you there. You make your own rules and Spirit will accommodate them.
Some of the tools of divination or crutches you can use in psychic readings are:
- Tarot Cards or even a regular deck of playing cards
- Runes
- Pendulums
- Table Tipping or Table Tapping
- Scrying or Crystal Ball Gazing
- Tea Leaves
- Crystals
- Tibetan Singing Bowls
Start with something where you will learn the rules involved. The
tarot and runes have attributes connected with each card or stone.
Practice with yourself. Start with very simple spreads, like three items
to look at. Past, present, future. Or even just one card. When you set
out a spread of cards you have a question in your mind: What can I make
the focus of my day today? Or tell me about my past, my present, and my
future. Keep a notebook and record all your impressions. This is where
you begin to gain a sense of direction. You realize that each card or
rune impacts its mates.
Even if all you have is a deck of playing cards you can use
them as a tool of divination. Using regular playing cards is called
cartomancy and dates from the 1700s. Different meanings can be ascribed
to each of the cards and once you start getting a handle on what the
different cards mean then you can start giving readings.
So, here’s a story. I was in the early days of my own psychic
exploration. I said to my husband, “I think I’m going to buy a pack of
tarot cards.” He said, “Yes, I think you should” I was surprised because
I’d thought he’d be the last person on earth who would be open to the
tarot. Anyway, I bought the cards and pulled the devil, the hanged man,
and the tower. I was shocked. I was appalled. I was frightened. I knew
nothing about the tarot except those were some ominous cards. I
reshuffled and pulled the same three again. Now, I’m hyperventilating. I
reshuffled and pulled them again. Three stinking times in a row. That
got my attention. There was no way a person could pull the three most
ominous powerful cards in the tarot in a row and not have it mean
something psychic. I opened up the small pamphlet that came with the
cards and read: Your life is about to change in a rather dramatic
fashion. It did.
From there you make your own deck and your own rules and
meanings. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an artistic bent and painted
your own cards? People are always making up their own Tarot decks. I
used the standard Rider-Waite deck. Over the years I’ve purchased a few
other decks, but I always go back to my Rider-Waite deck. It’s what I
learned first.
The simplest forms of connection to psychic awareness have
two choices for answers. Yes and no. Do I or Don’t I? A pendulum can
provide that for you. You can buy one or make one. If it swings up and
down that is Yes. If it swings sideways it is no. If it keeps going in a
circle that might be maybe.
I love to table tip. What can I say? It is entertaining. It’s
also difficult to do. I’ve only ever been able to do it by myself a
handful of times. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know. You make up rules as
to what the answers are going to be. Like if the table tips left that
means something and if it tips the other way it means something else. If
it twirls, which I’ve seen happen, that might mean maybe. You can also
do table tapping. I’ve had that happen more often. Many times, for me
the table tapping is a prelude to a table tipping. It sounds just like a
fist was under the table knocking. For me, as I settle into a good
session, my hands laying flat on the table begin to feel as if they were
lying on the surface of jello. They will begin to dip under the surface
of the table. I have no idea what this looks like because I keep my
eyes shut, but that’s what it feels like to me. Mushing through a jello
tabletop. Then, the tapping starts and then the table begins to vibrate,
and slowly, slowly one of the legs of the table tips up off the ground.
My husband and I went to a group table tipping once. There
had to have been a good 20 or more people in the room. The host had four
card tables set up. We all sat around the tables. He spoke to Spirit
for a while about how we were all gathered to respectfully make contact.
Then, the speaker invited all of us to get into a meditative state of
mind. We spoke a series of the word Om to induce a thoughtful, prayerful
This was the table tipping where I first felt what I call the
jello effect. Then, the table vibrated. The speaker was not at our
table, but the next one over. He started speaking to Spirit (we didn’t
know who it was) in a very commanding voice. He would say, “Table up!
Table up!” Personally, I thought it was a bit disrespectful to speak to
Spirit that way, but I didn’t say anything. As the tables began to
dance, rearing up three legs at a time and thumping down hard as they
seemed to gather more energy he asked us to keep our toes out of the
way. We began to stand up and push our chairs back as the tables became
more active. I swear those legs were coming up off of the ground a good
foot at least at a time. Whirling and twirling we were barely able to
keep a physical connection with the tables. You can go to YouTube and
ask to see a table tipping.
To me I saw nothing that would indicate cheating was going on
especially as we had to stand up to accommodate the action of the
tables. These were card tables too and you couldn’t see any sort of
apparatus underneath. My own experiments, later on, got the same sorts
of results though they never got to be as dramatic as the first table
tipping I went to.
You make up the rules. The intention is to talk to some
entity in Spirit. In Victorian times Spiritualism was very popular and
people had lots of seances. If I were to do something like that, I would
ask my guide to be present or someone of his choosing. I mean, I’d talk
to Elvis if you wanted to, but I feel to respect the process I’d best
not go with the celebrities, though there are many I talk to now. Gilda
Radner just volunteered to participate in my next table-tipping. The
first time I ever talked to her while I was reading the book she wrote,
“It’s Always Something” she made me laugh. She said, “Well, I guess I
still have it.” I purchased a cute little red pedestal table that sits
out on my patio right now specifically for possible table-tipping
sessions. Right now, I drink my coffee and read my Kindle out there.
I haven’t had a whole lot of results with scrying or with
crystal ball gazing. I have a crystal ball. As my guide said to me once,
“What self-respecting psychic would be without one?” So, I bought it.
It was pretty expensive too. I later learned any sort of orb would do
the trick. Like a Christmas tree ornament. The same thing with scrying
which can be done with a dark mirror or with a bowl of water that has
been filled to the brim so that the edge is bowing up and over the edges
of the bowl. I have four cats in the house. You put a bowl of water
down and they are there to have a drink. The idea with these three forms
of psychic interpretation is that you see visions and interpret them.
The visions I get are when I close my eyes, so that’s what I tend to go
The crystals were intended to raise psychic vibrations. Same
thing with the Tibetan singing bowls. I have lots of crystals on hand
and a couple of the Tibetan bowls. I don’t know if they were
instrumental in raising my vibrations. I can say they comfort me. I will
say, though, that pieces of Moldavite are extremely powerful. Also,
these days, they are very expensive. $20 or so for a piece the size of
your thumbnail. Moldavite is described as an outer space stone and has
different sorts of vibrations than our normal crystals do. The moldavite
I purchase is from the potato fields in Czechoslovakia
In the beginning of my psychic venturing, I had a lot of
Moldavite around me. Over the years, and before I quit drinking, I ended
up giving a lot of it away. A piece I gave to a friend of mine was so
well received she reported she had very vivid dreams and four orgasms
the first night she put it in a pouch to wear as a necklace. Let’s just
say it has different effects on different people.
If you are more comfortable using a tool to “see” by all means do it. All I am saying is you don’t need to.
There is no need to fear any particular tool of divination.
They will all work. The secret is aligning yourself with Spirit. That,
more than anything is the hardest and the easiest thing in the world to
Thank you for reading.
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