January 2021
Its pages are blank. We are going to
put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity and
its first chapter is New Year's Day.”
– Edith Lovejoy Pierce.
Welcome to an exciting issue! Not only does it end our year which
starts in February, but we have a new poet, we have an update from a
former columnist, and more than a dozen poems to peruse. And we are
looking forward to the New Year, trusting that it will be happier and
open new avenues for everyone.
First let's meet the new author, Lucy Hennessy. If that name
rings a bell it could be because she is one of Phillip Hennessy's
daughters. Her poem "There Was A Life" is thoughtful and hopeful. Be
sure to click her byline and see her bio. Her father Phillip has a new
poem, "Virus" which echoes his experiences in the U.K. He just received
news that another of his poems from pencilstubs is being made into a
Song...."When you're Lost, in the Dark" by a group in South Africa.
Coincidentally, the poem by Diane Lynch aka Spirit0662,
employs titles of Hennessy's poetry to cleverly form her poem, "You Must
Have Known." Walt Perryman, our poet from your editor's section of
western Texas, has three poems: "Christmas Eve," "A West Texas
Tumbleweed Christmas," and "About New Year's Eve."
Bruce Clifford submitted three also, one is for song lyrics,
"I Don't Even Know." The other two are "Spreader" and "A New Day." Bud
Lemire, who suffered and recovered from a bout of Covid, composed "On
The Ventilator" for a friend who is, then added a lovely poem "Snow Was
Falling." His salute to 2021 is upbeat for himself and others in "A New
The poem "You Say" by yours truly, was dashed off in
exasperation and was initially shared on Facebook, but another verse
kept sounding in the brain, so it had to be added. If you saw the first
verse, check out the second.
"Two Plastic Pans" and "Winter Branches" were received from
John I. Blair. His column "View from My Back Steps" is on a subject not
in your editor's realm of knowledge and may emlighten many readers.
Marilyn Carnell shares her plans for celebrating New Year's
Day in her column "Sifoddling Along" with certain reservations. Mattie
Lennon, in "Irish Eyes" clues us in on a famous murder incident in
Ireland, that is couched in mystery, rumors, and perhaps finally the
Judy Kroll's column "On Trek" asks a question then supplies
her solution in her quiet, considerate way. Thomas F. O'Neill (author of
"Introspective") explains how he began teaching in China, and admits to
his surprise that it has become his preferred way of life.
Melinda Cohenour continues on the genealogy of husband Rod
Cohenour's family, with more info than she has space to share for this
issue. Finding so much material to formulate into just one column of
"Armchair Genealogy" has proven impossible but she says "stay tuned."
"Cooking with Rod" steps up with traditional menu's and adds an inspired
new dish recently concocted that promises to be a favorite.
Bethany Davies Whitaker, former regular columnist with Pencil
Stubs Online, signs in to add her wrap up of 2020. Always insightful
amd compassionate, her words may chime with your own hopes for next
year. The plus for your editor is that Bethany is one of her four
My heart is filled with gratitude to Mike Craner, Webmaster
and co-founder of this eZine, for his original suggestion that we "try
putting it online." His ingenuity and consideration has been and
continues to be a blessing.
And yes, that is me behind the mask.
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We will see you in February!
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